Top Window Cleaning Tips And Tricks

While the most obvious dirty windows are smudged from dogs, children, and various other hand prints, sometimes the dirt that is more easily missed is the culprit for many stains, including mold. It's best to clean household windows twice a year; this will prevent the buildup of dust and other organic matter, which are hosts for unsightly mold.

Best Supplies for Cleaning Windows

While most people feel as though some spray cleaner with ammonia and some wadded up paper towels are sufficient tools for thorough window cleaning, all that rubbing tends to leave the dust in other areas as opposed to completely cleaned off of the window. This is why it's recommended to use a squeegee and a washer. They do sell commercial window washing fluid; however, it's perfectly acceptable to use dishwashing detergent in a large bucket with a warm water solution.

However, if the windows need cleaning and there's no squeegee available, newspaper works just fine, better than paper towels. The dust and streaks are scraped up, leaving behind beautifully cleaned glass. It's also important when using a squeegee to wipe the end of the squeegee with a rag or even a cloth diaper or microfiber towel after each stroke. This will prevent buildup of gunk and keep the glass streak-free.

When the squeegee is finished, it's important to remember to wipe off the remaining drops with a microfiber cloth. This will suck up the remaining liquid and dust without leaving streaks behind. Be sure the cloths are large enough to be used on the exterior windows, as they will need to be placed in the washing machine after each use in order to prevent streaks and dirt.

Another great tip if you are without a microfiber cloth is to use coffee filters. These are not only a lint-free and absorbent way to wipe up the detergent, but they will also keep your hands free of ink and dye, unlike newspaper.

How to Remove Streaks

If you're left with streaks, however, don't fret: there's an easy and cost effective way to remove them, of course. Chalkboard erasers will work wonders on those left behind streaks. However, be sure they are clean and dry as a damp eraser only exacerbates the issue of streaks and dirt.

While it may seem like a tedious, menial task, keeping the windows of the home clean is vital to maintaining a clean, beautiful house. The organic matter left behind in the dust and debris on dirty windows is a haven for mold. It's a surprise to most homeowners, however, that a simple store-bought solution and paper towels are not the ideal window-cleaning option. Take these tips and see for yourself the reason why these are regarded as the cleaning "secrets" for windows.

For replacement windows, contact a company such as Alumaroll Awning & Window Co Inc.
